Construction Update: April 2023
A State of Anticipation Aside from the work to begin in Sumas this coming week (more information at the bottom of the page), we are still anxiously awaiting permits for each of our Telegraph Townhome, Mateo Meadows, and Custer projects. We have, nevertheless, found a variety of ways to be productive over the last month.

Women Build Month 2023
As Women’s History Month 2023 comes to a close, so too does Women Build Month at Habitat for Humanity of Whatcom County. Nevertheless, we encourage women of all ages to volunteer with us at any time of the year and gain valuable skills while furthering our mission to build simple, decent, and affordable homes. The goal of

It’s Electric!
Last year, Kaily Hetherton and Pilar Hari from the Haggen Foundation, reached out to us with a simple question: “Does your organization have a ‘pie in the sky’ dream that seems impossible to fund?” After a short discussion which included many impossible ideas, our team unanimously settled on a clear favorite – an e-transit van

Construction Update: March 2023
Where We Are The present moment at Habitat for Humanity of Whatcom County could be described as a sort of “calm before the storm” as we wait for permits to drop for our projects in Custer, Everson, and Bellingham. Expect to have the luxury of choice in the near future when it comes to volunteering

2023 Habitat on the Hill
For the first time in three years, over 300 Habitat affiliates met in person in Washington DC for Habitat on the Hill. Along with learning best advocacy practices from our colleagues across the country, we had the opportunity to meet with our federal legislators to advocate for policies that could help provide everyone in the

The Hernandez Family
Born and raised in Mexico City, Rodolfo “Rudy” Hernandez first came to the U.S. to visit family in California. He decided to settle there. Rudy, who was single at the time, eventually decided to come to Washington with his younger brother to look for better work. They hoped to eventually settle in Alaska. “I read

Top 5 Reasons to Donate to Habitat’s Fall Campaign
The Top 5 Reasons to Donate to Habitat for Humanity During this time of giving, we’d like to share why a gift to Habitat for Humanity has impacts far beyond our ability to provide simple decent shelter for a family in need. Any monetary donation, any hour spent volunteering, and anytime you donate a gently

Community Builder, Brian Mattioli
Habitat Home Inspections was born out of a simple philosophy: “Putting people over profit.” Founded in 2017 by Brian and Kacia Mattioli, the home inspection company is dedicated to providing customers with the best possible understanding of the house they are buying, caring for, or thinking about selling. Brian has a background in real estate,