Habitat for Humanity in Whatcom County

Kulshan and Habitat brew team

Since 1991, Women Build volunteers from all walks of life and from across the country have come together with Habitat to build stronger, safer communities. Locally, Habitat for Humanity in Whatcom County Women Build events provide opportunities for women to take proactive steps in serving their communities.

From the beginning of our program, any woman who wants to learn how to build and learn construction skills is invited to join us. No experience is necessary. Volunteers work under the guidance of construction professionals and alongside other volunteers and future Habitat homeowners. Whether you want to learn new skills or simply add to your building experience, this is a rewarding event for all involved.

Women helping women sends a positive and powerful message. Women Build is also a terrific way to involve your friends and family of all ages and genders in crucial work that has a lasting impact.

In 2020, our Women Build Campaign will be March 2nd through April 4th, with the “Lowe’s Women Build Week” currently planned for March 2nd through March 7th.

Kulshan brewing company
Kulshan Brewing Company

The Opening Celebration “Pint Night” will once again be sponsored by our friends at Kulshan Brewing Company, who sponsored a similar event last year. This year’s “Pint Night” will happen Thursday, March 12.

“This is the second year we’ve done this,” said Courtney Lane, Media and Events Coordinator at Kulshan Brewing Company. “A ‘Pint Night’ is where we donate a dollar per beer for the night. Last year we thought it would be a fun collaboration to highlight women in the brewing industry. At Kulshan, we have a female lead brewer, Jennifer Tadder, which is amazing and not very common.

“So we want to do it again this year and celebrate International Women’s Day,” added Lane. “This is also a fun way to donate to Habitat. We’re going to make a special beer like we did last year. We don’t know what it’s going to be yet. We’ll brew it sometime in February. We’ll invite the Women Build teams again for coffee and donuts, everyone gets to meet brewer Jennifer Tadder during the ‘mill-in’ process when we grind the grains and put them into the brew.

“And then we have the Pint Night to celebrate and drink the beer. Last year Habitat named the beer ‘Hammer Time.’ This year we’ll come up with a new name,” added Lane.

Women Build is all about encouraging friends to join the program, making new friends, and building confidence by working together in construction teams. We also hope each team will help Habitat raise much-needed funds to help support our building costs, as well as spread the word about the Habitat Mission. The 2020 Women Build fundraising goal is $20,000.

On April 2nd, our Women Build Campaign will come to a close with a Cocktail Party at the Lairmont Manor, a mixer celebration and raffle. Many other events will be announced in the coming weeks. Be sure to check back with our Habitat Women Build website page for the latest updates.

[Every cash gift we receive at Habitat, no matter how small, returns when each Habitat home buyer makes their monthly mortgage payments. This enables us to purchase more supplies for another home. Habitat’s core value, “a hand-up, not a hand-out,” means that every penny is repaid. Please consider pledging $5 per month.]

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