Habitat for Humanity in Whatcom County


Wetlands Mitigation at Telegraph Townhomes

This year, Habitat Whatcom’s Women’s Build Day will be held on May 5th, 2018, at 1050 Telegraph Rd, the soon-to-be construction site of up to 54 townhomes.
In addition to prepping the site for construction, which is slated to begin this summer, volunteers at Women Build Day will also be bringing the Young Roots wetlands mitigation project to a close.

50+ 4th Graders

Telegraph Townhomes will be constructed along the north fork of Baker Creek, a tributary of Squalicum Creek and a potential home for both bull trout and coho salmon. The Young Roots Wetland Mitigation project was undertaken to lessen the environmental impact this development would have on the nearby fish bearing stream.To complete Young Roots Wetland Mitigation project, Habitat partnered with 4th grade students and their teachers from Parkview Elementary and Columbia Elementary to offer these students the hands-on opportunity to come out onto the mitigation site and to learn the importance of this project. Over 50 students came out to the site on February 28th, 2018 to remove pre-existing invasive species, prep the site for planting, plant sword fern, and begin mulching. 

Nooksack Salmon Enhancement Association

Additional students and volunteers joined Habitat and the Nooksack Salmon Enhancement Association in a subsequent community planting party in March. With oversight from qualified professionals specializing in riparian mitigationthese amazing volunteers successfully planted 925 native trees and shrubs over 22,000 sq. ft. of stream bank. The successful growth of these trees and shrubs will provide a natural buffer for the stream, wetland and wildlife. This buffer will help shield the area from the runoff, lights and noise of Telegraph Townhomes, ensuring a sustainable environment for generations to come. 

Women Build Day: Completing the Mitigation

Volunteers present at this year’s Women Build Day will complete the final stage of this project: mulching the mitigation area. Volunteers will also begin construction of a silt fence on the property.The Wetlands Mitigation project fulfills land requirements, allowing Telegraph Townhomes construction to begin. Thanks to this project and the incredible volunteers who stepped up to get it done, 54 Whatcom County families are one step closer to a permanent place to call home!

From Volunteer to Career

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Turning Trash into Treasure

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A team of volunteers stand in front of the Telegraph Townhomes Project for the Home Builders Blitz

Celebrating the Home Builders Blitz

Previous Next On April 25th, all that existed of Telegraph Townhomes phase 1C was a blank concrete foundation, meticulously designed building plans, and a lot of anticipation for the largest

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